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Benefits of Tournament Participation
By Doug Walsh Not everyone who trains Karate wants to and/or likes to participate in tournaments. And there is nothing at all wrong with...

Self-Defense: The Original Purpose of Karate
By Doug Walsh Long before tournaments existed, long before commercial dojos existed and long before organizations existed Karate was...

A Little is a Lot
By Doug Walsh # 11 of the Shoto Niju Kun (20 Precepts of Shoto) states, “Karate wa yu no gotoshi taezu netsu o ataezareba moto no mizu ni...

"Get in shape to begin Karate"
This article is not what it initially may appear to be about. Karate is an activity that to many of us feels very unusual, at times...

Return to a Beginner's Mind
The New Year is a time for new beginnings, new possibilities, improvements, growth and New Year's resolutions. These can be in every area...
Awareness as Self-Defense
One of the reasons many are interested in learning Karate is to learn self-defense. The techniques of Karate can certainly be effective...

Virtual Values
Tsune ni shinen kufu seyo –“Always create and devise” is # 20 of the Shoto Niju-Kun (20 Principles of Shotokan karate) by Master...

Becoming a Beginner
New students should know that they are always welcome in any genuine traditional Karate dojo. Although the dojo, the formalities, as well...

Dojo E-News: August 2020
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Beginning the Journey
Beginning Karate training is the beginning of what can be a lifelong journey. There are many reasons that people start training in...
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