Your child will develop confidence, discipline & self-defense skills while having fun. Children learn to block, punch, kick & more with proper form, speed & power. Student practice kata (forms), a series of set movements to defend against imaginary attackers. Students work together to practice techniques & develop communication, respect & teamwork.
Youth classes are open to children age 5 and above.
See Class Schedule here.

Benefits for your child:
Self-discipline Children learn to focus, set goals & rewards of practice.
Confidence Kids gain confidence as they develop new skills and earn rank. They learn self-defense & situational awareness.
Fitness Karate develops body coordination, balance, strength & cardio. They explore body mechanics while burning lots of energy!
Friends Kids have fun & make friends. With classmates of all ages, they have positive role models & the opportunity to be a leader to more novice students as they advance.
Your child can apply these skills to all areas of life (school, social, extracurriculars, etc.)
Please have him or her wear comfortable athletic clothes. We invite you as well to come observe a class and speak with our instructors and students.
Students train classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday classes are offered in weeks leading up to a belt promotion or tournament. $90/month. Please ask about our family discount.
One-time membership fee: $30
(payable within first 3 months of training)